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Eyelash Extension Adhesive Mixer

Maximize the potential of your adhesive with GladGirl Eyelash Extension Adhesive Mixer. This white mixer with Rose Gold accents has been engineered specifically for use with eyelash extension adhesive, in a matter of seconds, the mixer achieves perfectly mixed glue for optimum lash retention and color. This glue shaker will save you precious time during your set, as you'll no longer have to mix your adhesive by shaking it for up to two minutes by hand! This mixer is also the perfect tool to toss in your bag if you’re a traveling lash artist, as the ergonomic design of this lightweight and waterproof tool is ideal for use on the go.

The Eyelash Extension Adhesive Mixer by GladGirl will save your hands and time while enhancing your lash adhesive's quality. Mix it up and show your clients what optimum retention looks like.

Have you been struggling with eyelash extension retention but just can’t put your finger on the reason for the poor retention rates? This mixer may be the answer to all your questions. When eyelash adhesive is left to sit at room temperature the ingredients tend to separate with the heavier molecules sinking to the bottom and the lighter ones drifting to the top. If you don’t mix your adhesive up, swirling all the ingredients together to create the perfect blend, then you are bound to wreck havoc on your retention rates. These ingredients are meant to work together, so give them a boost with the The Eyelash Extension Adhesive Mixer by GladGirl.

How to Use:Eyelash Extension Adhesive Mixer

  1. Before getting started, be sure to insert 2 AAA batteries (not included) into the base of the mixer.
  2. Next, find the rubber attachment that fits the desired glue cap Insert glue cap into rubber attachment, ensuring a tight and secure fit.
  3. Hold handle firmly, press button and mix for 10-15 seconds. Remove glue from attachment and allow to stand up right for a 5 seconds before opening cap.


This Mixer is multifunctional as it can also be used to mix nail polish as well as clean makeup brushes! Hello Jack of All Trades!


Customers please note - 2 AAA batteries required (not included).